en venda

Casa de poble en venda en Benissa


2 Habitacions
1 Banys
101 m2 Espai
  • Referència: 098
  • Provincia: Alicante
  • Ciutat: Benissa
  • Habitacions: 2
  • Banys: 1
  • Espai: 101 m2
  • Tipus de propietat: Casa de poble

House to renew in the heart of Benissa a few meters from the beautiful place of the town and its beautiful Church known as the "Catedral of the Marina".

It consists of 2 floors, plus a basement and a terrace with a view of the town church.

The first floor consists of a living room and a kitchen.

The upper floor has two bedrooms and a bathroom.

It is ideal for those who want to live in the historic center of town.

It has a lot of potential.

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*Aquesta informació està subjecta a errors i no forma part de cap contracte. L'oferta pot ser modificada o retirada sense avís previ. El preu no inclou els costos de la compra.

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